The Inner Compass is an International Institute of Complementary Therapies, IICT approved modality and is regulated by a code of conduct and ethics. The Inner Compass® is essentially ‘the way’ to the SELF so that you can be the ‘ASCENDED MASTER’ of your own life.

There are three principles of the Inner Compass® known as the ‘path’ which are;

1. Connect with the HIGHEST most awakened manifestation of yourSELF.

2. Remain neutral.

3. Detach from the outcome.

When you become an Inner Compass® Practitioner the whole world opens up for you. You begin to understand that everything is there for you and supports you. Your creativity, openness and sense of adventure fills you.

When you follow ‘the path’ you will experience a lightness of spirit, a playful purpose and presence. Mastering the Inner Compass® intuition essentials will give you the confidence to explore whatever comes up and trust that you will be guided to whatever it is that you need to understand in that moment. It is an unfolding that happens before your eyes. The Inner Compass® is a healing modality and a way of navigating through life.

Accessing the HIGHEST most awakened manifestation of yourSELF will assist you to access the tools you need to move beyond the ‘EGOIC MIND’ and step into your ‘HEART MIND’. Some call this ASCENSION, moving from 3D consciousness into 5D consciousness. By becoming an Inner Compass® Practitioner you will have access to exclusive Inner Compass® Tools and Techniques that will simplify your ‘ISSUE CLEARING’ processes. Understanding that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach will broaden your scope of opportunities for expansion and growth, not only for you but for your clients. Intuition is an important part of the navigation process. It is a prerequisite that each student must complete the Inner Compass®‘Intuition Essentials’ online course. This short course takes approximately a month to complete to integrate key processes. 

The Inner Compass course has changed my life in an incredible way. In a very short time I have discovered what pure and unconditional self love was resulting in easily being able to be of service to others.

This course has helped me in all areas of my life. I have had one on one sessions with people who have been able to clear many blockages resulting in improved relationships with others and helping their careers or businesses to take off. Over the past couple of years I had a management position and I can say that I have practiced the inner compass with or without the tools provided on a daily basis and I know that without it, I wouldn’t have made such a big difference to the company in such a short time. Because I intuitively know which direction to take, risks are not that scary anymore. In fact, I don’t find anything risky anymore. On the contrary, I can walk confidently through my life journey without being affected by others judgements.

I will always cherish the teachings that I have received from Dawn who is an incredible being with so much to give.

Celine Marciano

Inner Compass Practionner since 2015