Affirmation of Allegiance

This document needs to be your priority because it is a stand-alone document that places you in the jurisdiction of the non-corporate Commonwealth.

This document is available on the Commonwealth Custodian Website.

You have a number of options available to you:

  1. Print the affirmation of Allegiance off and get it witnessed by two men or women who have a natural born allegiance to the Original Commonwealth.
  2. Order the Affirmation on the Commonwealth Custodians Website printed on cotton paper in imperial measurements. Get this document witnessed by two men or women with a natural born allegiance to the Commonwealth. Cost $20.00.
  3. Order the Affirmation on the Commonwealth Custodians Website printed on cotton paper in imperial measurements. Get this document witnessed by two men or women with a natural born allegiance to the Commonwealth and send the document to the Office of Records for the non-coroporate Commonwealth to be notorised and placed on the public record that you are a Commonwealth National. Cost $20.00 + Cost of Notary and postage.

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